Artwork Listing

Tangzhuang APEC

Tangzhuang APEC
Shanghai, China

Tangzhuang is an adaption of the Manchu “horse jacket”, a waist- or three-quarter-length front-opening jacket and became mandatory for Han officials’ clothing under the Qing Empire. Following the 1911 Revolution and 1949 Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War, the “Mao suit” gradually displaced the changshan (Tangzhuang). At the occasion of China’s hosting the APEC summit in 2001 modernized changshan jackets were given to the participating world leaders. Since then the so called APEC jackets were intended to reflect “both traditional Chinese flavor and modern ideals”.
Scripted in the Edo period, the paper recounts the court record of a verdict that sends a convict into exile.

Shanghai CN 17, Maxxi Rome IT 21
Depot Japan
Maxxi Rome