Spirit of Water | Riihisaari FI

19.8-18.9.22 Finland | Savonlinna Museum | Water is essential for the survival of all living things. Water affects health, economy, environment. Good water quality and potable water is something most of us take for granted. However, access to potable water is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. Securing clean water and nature for future generations is not a given.

With: Piela Auvinen, Anita Gratzer, Sami Funke, Henrik Härkönen, Marja de Jong, Kaisa Huotari, Andreas Kopp, Mikko Kallio, Laura Kärki, Juha Lahtinen, Vili Nissinen, Anna Pekkala, Jan Pohribný, Yuichiro Sato, Anna Siiriäinen, Julio Tubal ja Kimmo Ylönen.